The more weight I lose, the more people I consider to be "normal" are including me, and It makes me more ticked off than happy. 

    For all the habits that have changed, I'm the same person I was at nearly  300 pounds. If anything I'm weirder. I've been an outsider since my teen years, and I lost the weight to be healthy, not to fit in. When you're morbidly obese, but not  "talk  show fat"  you're pretty much invisible. Since you're not competition to other women or a potential partner to men, they actually act like themselves around you. In some ways, that's great. You actually get to know men as friends and they're honest with you in a way that they'd never be with "girls". Since I started to approach "normal", things are changing. It's made me spend a lot of time looking how people relate to each other.  I can accept that are a lot of people are too shallow to bother treating someone who isn't conventionally attractive (Not just weight, people can be just  as spiteful towards people they consider ugly, or poor, or anything they consider inferior) like a person that deserves kindness and  compassion, but it doesn't mean I'm ever  going to understand it, or want anything to do with people that act that way. The bright side of this is the people that have been my friends all along, I value all the more.