Well, Fall showed up and changed the weather  in a hurry.I don't know if it's the loss of the extra paddding or my metabolism is slowing down, but I'm FREEZING! I used to run aound in the snow  in jeans and a tshirt - now if gets below 60 degrees I have to bundle up. I feel like such a  wuss!
     My  weight loss has slowed to a crawl, lke it always does when it gets cold. I don't expect to lose more that 2-3 lbs a month between now and May. I'm not going to drive myself  crazy trying to force a weight loss that will come easily next spring. Like Tom Naughton in Fat Head, Mother nature is not stupid.
     I'm already starting to feel the "winter blues"   because of the  shorter days, So I'm  going to start taking Vitamin D3.