I've had two sides of me battling it out for a long time, It helps me to mentally picture them:
1.) This is Cartman, AKA the old me:

This is the part of me that wants to eat the wrong things.  I've heard from this part of me so little these days, I think it's dormant.

And then there's who I want to be:

I'm starting to wonder if this girl's taking over- though she looks like she's up to the job! For example tonight, I overate at Hometown Buffet.Are you ready to hear what I ate 3 plates of ?
They have this new Blue Cheese wedge salad  that is CRAZY good- especailly with their baked chicken and red onions on top. I might have given the carrot cake a look on the way in, but  the minute I tucked into  that salad, it was off my mind.This is actually happening a lot lately. I'm a little more used to it these days but the first time I actually wanted to eat broccoli it was a little surreal.
And then there's what I caught myself saying today - "You want to finsih this ice cream,Mom?" Ok, it was low carb ice cream and not NEARLY as good as  frozen greek yogurt but still- did I just say that? LOL!