This, like my post about salads is more an idea than a recipe, since I rearely make this the same way twice.  I  tend to cook a large amount of protein, like a value pack of chicken/ ground beef or a big pork roast on my day off , then use it it during the work week. I suppose the following  would also work  for fish or shrimp, but I'd  prefer to really do  something special with a nice piece of fish if I can afford it!  It's kind of an American comfort food version of a stir fry.

 For this, I always use my big, well-seasoned cast iron frying pan :
1. Fat: Sorry if you're on a low fat  diet, but I usually start with either a tablespoon of some kind of fat or oil first, or a strip of bacon. I start the fat with any spices I feel like using. For me that's either  garlic,  ginger,chili flakes or chili powder

2. Vegetables part one: Since I like them all carmelized, this is when I chop up  some onion and/or mushrooms if i'm using it and add it. If you're on Atkins,onions are one thing you have to watch but they're so worth a few carbs . If I'm including them, this usually means 1/4 of a medium sized onion. 

3. Protein: For me this means roasted chicken, pork, or precooked haburger from one of my day-off  cookfests,  diced up and added to the fat and spices. Give this a chance to brown a little bit before adding the veg.

-if you used a strip of bacon, take it out at this point, chop it up and re-add-

4.  Vegetables, part 2 :It's a worknight and I'm tired, so I'm  going the easy route with those bagged veggie mixes: Spinach (if it's not an arm and a leg at the grocery store), and more often Cole Slaw mix. Spinach really cooks down, so pile it on if you're using it!

Form there just let it cook: Spinach cooks within a minute and cabbage takes about 10 (I like mine a little burned)

Tonight's version was butter+garlic+chicken+spinach+pepper+lemon juice. So good and so easy!